quoted from The magical world of Fernando Pessoa, by Gary Lachman:
But what really troubled the author of The Book of Disquiet is that all these mystic masters were such atrocious stylists. "When they write to communicate... their mysteries," he said, "[they] all write abominably. It offends my intelligence that a man can master the Devil without being able to master the Portuguese language." Yet Satanists alone are not at fault. "To have touched the feet of Christ," Soares tells us, "is no excuse for mistakes in punctuation."
jacket, a free Internet-only literary magazine
overwhelms me
maybe I'm being really unfair
literature as a central organizing principle of life
links and hooks everywhere like velcro
favorite names Dale Smith, Creeley, many many many
many hours later
I could become unstuck
there's a resistance there resisting the jacket the stream the river the mainstream fighting the current swimming upstream not somewhere I want to go without the armor of a harsh smile
gritted teeth and girded loins
need somewhere of more relaxed ambition like
I was we were already in paradise
and spoke with tongues like those of angels
thin and flickering
PS Has me wondering is there a limit to what an editor can absorb, even if he is Australian and official?